Sunday, November 01, 2020

Kirkendall 1 - Round 9

Dance Party
Last time Sariss and Navy's son, Daniel returned from college single. He started requesting dates and soon the matchmaker delivered him Jackie Burton. Since she is a Fellowship townie, she gets to join the hood. She moved in towards the end of the round. Metro was abducted by aliens and found himself pregnant and ready to pop when last we saw him.

Rachel: Hi Metro! Oh you're in labor already!
Metro: Oh is that what that terrible pain is about?!?!
Metro: Not again!
Metro: Oh, he's actually kind of cute.
Rachel: He? What's his name?
Metro: Jean.
Rachel: Like pants?
Metro: No. It's French.
Rachel: Oh I see. 
Rachel: Looks like the whole family is happy to meet Jean.
Rachel: Happy Birthday Thomas!
Rachel: I love the ew hair Sariss!
Sariss: Thanks! Me too!
Rachel: You too Temperance! You look beautiful!
Temperance: Thanks!
Sariss: Great job Javert!
Javert: Thanks Aunt Sariss!
Rachel: Happy Birthday Javert!
Javert: Thanks Rachel!
Javert: I would like a life of pleasure.
Rachel: Good choice.
Javert: And I really want to be a Celebrity Chef!
Me: Excellent choice!
Rachel: I really like your hair pulled back.
Javert: Thanks. I wasn't so sure about it myself.
Rachel: Seems like a good option at least for now.
Javert: I would like a nice girl to date.
Rachel: Who is your friend?
Javert: This is Paige Antonius. She wants Romance in her life.
Rachel: Oh, um that can be tricky but enjoy your date.
Rachel: Happy Birthday Olivia!
Rachel: Who is your new friend?
Javert: This is Naomi Nettles. She sure is nice and funny and stuff.
Rachel: We have seen her quite a bit. What does she want in life?
Javert: Pleasure, like me.
Rachel: That's better.
Rachel: Congrats Metro!
Metro: Thanks!
Rachel: Hurry inside, it's Jean's birthday!
Metro: Will do!
Rachel: Happy Birthday Jean!
Rachel: What a cutie!
Rachel: Oh and I like this hairdo better.
Rachel: Get down with your bad self.
Javert: Shh, you're embarrassing me. Naomi is so pretty.
Rachel: It looks like things are going well with them. I should see how Daniel and Jackie are.
Rachel: Hi guys! Ohhhh, excuse me!
Rachel: Well I guess things are still going well.
Jackie: Very.
Metro: All right little man, walk for Daddy.
Rachel: Nice going Sariss!
Sariss: Thanks!
Rachel: PROPOSAL!!!
Rachel: Congrats guys! When's the wedding?
Jackie: Next week some time.
Rachel: I guess there isn't really any rush since you can't have a baby 'til after Javert heads off to college anyway.
Rachel: Metro sure is a good father. You'd never know he's all about pleasure.
Metro: Peeeeeekkkkkk aaaa booooo!
Jean: *Giggles*
Metro: That's daddy's little man.
Rachel: So cute.
Rachel: Great job Sariss!
Sariss: Thanks again.
Rachel: Nice job Temperance!
*The next day*
Rachel: Wow, two days in a row! Nice!
Temperance: Thanks!
Rachel: Father and son dance party!
Metro: All three of my sons like to dance! I guess it's in our genes.
Rachel: I guess.
Rachel: Happy Birthday Jean!
Rachel: Such a cutie...where'd he go?
Jean: So that's where I came from!
Metro: Sure is.
Jean: So if you had me wouldn't that make you my mommy?
Metro: Well,
Rachel: Good luck.
Rachel: Navy, I see you're having some of that sweet elixir like I did.
Navy: Yeah, I want to be a criminal mastermind and I haven't been able to a criminal job yet.
Rachel: Good plan.
Rachel: Happy Birthday Sariss!
Rachel: Ummm...
Sariss: What?!?!
Sariss: Why are you freaking out? I look fine.
Rachel: Now...
Rachel: Happy Birthday Metro!
Rachel: Still handsome.
Rachel: Happy Birthday Temperance!
Rachel: Just as lovely.
Rachel: Nice going Javert! So will Naomi be going to college with you?
Javert: I don't know. She could, we are best friends but she isn't sure how her scholarships will pan out.
Rachel: Well, I guess I will see you there.
Points: 11
8 for money
2 for Metro and Sariss' Tops of Careers
1 for Jean

This is the last house I had to replay so here is 
New Jean

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