Monday, March 17, 2025

Ribeiro 1 - Round 10

Why Are You Yelling? 

Previously on Lost natural twins, Sayid and Alex, grew from children into teens. As did their elder brother, Desmond. He fell in love with his best friend, Piccolo Ziese. They got engaged in college. The dogs worked on their careers and Renee passed away from old age. We also lost another founder, Aimee, and her husband, Xuan, also from old age. Alex had the worst first date in Prosperity Point history. One day Alex went home from school with Bumblebee Cooprider while he was in the midst of 50 1st dates. They had 3 bolts of chemistry and it was actually hard to keep them from flirting before all the first dates were done. Bumblebee finished his Life Time Want in college and the two got together at last.

Rachel: Welcome home guys!
Alex: Thanks Rachel
Rachel: You two sure got bad outfits but man you sure are cute together... I'll leave you two alone. Maybe go inside.
Rachel: Much better outfit Alex, but, oh no! Max!
Sun: No *sobbing* not Max too! We've lost too many dogs already.
Rachel: I know. It's very sad.
Rachel: Alex and Bumble Bee seem unaffected. I gues that's good.
Rachel: So sorry Ralph and Rachelle!
Rachel: Looks like it's time to make thing official.
Alex: It sure is. I knew he was my true love the first moment I saw him at school.
Rachel: You've waited a long time.
Rachel: You sure look happy too!
Bumble Bee: Of course I am. I know Alex was the one too. I just wanted to have a bunch of different dates first. When I set a goal, I have to finish it. 
Rachel: I can strangely understand that.
Rachel: OK guys, we get it. You're super into each other.
Me: They do have 3 bolts.
Rachel: It shows.
Alex: Sorry. We got carried away.
Rachel: Thank goodness. They have moved on to cake.
Rachel: *sigh*
Me: Leave them be. It's their wedding.
Rachel: OK.
Rachel: Oh good. A fast song.
Rachel: Wait, this is still a fast song.
Alex: We don't care.
Rachel: It is hard to be upset when you see how happy they are together.
Alex: All right. The party is over. Have a good night.
Rachel: OK. Good night.
Bumblebee: You're missing the point. We want some time alone.
Rachel: Ooooooooh... See you later.
Rachel: Time for a new dog?
Jessie: Yep. The felt so empty.
Rachel: *starts counting everyone there*
Jessie: It feels empty.
Rachel: I see.
Rachel: Not off to a great start Ava!
Rachel: What do you think of Ava, Ralph? Ralph?
Rachel: *looks at me* What's wrong with Ralph?
Me: Look behind him.
Rachel: Oh no! Not Ralph!
Rachel: Bye Ralph! You were a good boy!
Rachel: Congrats Alex! What do you want now?
Alex: I'd like to be a game designer.
Rachel: That's quite a change but it sounds good.
Rachel: Getting a new dog?
Jessie: Yep. Welcome to your new home Herman.
Alex: Oh boy!
Rachel: Congrats Alex! I can hardly wait until the baby arrives.
Alex: Yeah, me too.
Sun: Ahhh!
Rachel: Births and deaths always bring out ghost. Bad Renee! Don't scare Sun!
Rachel: Fire! Sun, what happened?
Sun: I was trying to make breakfast but I was so tired. Ahhhh!!!!
Rachel: Thank goodness the firefighter got here! This was getting out of hand.
Rachel: Are you OK Alex?
Alex: *out of breath* Grandpa Xuan scared me!
Rachel: Last time we missed his death and now we are missing his hauntings.
Me: Kinda sad.
Rachel: Opps.
Rachel: You seem unphased, so that's good. Way to go!
Bumble Bee: Thanks Rachel.
Alex: Rachel! Hey!
Rachel: Baby time!
Alex: It's a boy! Meet Walt.
Me: WALT!!!!
Rachel: *glares at me* Why are you yelling?
Me: If you watched the show, you'd know.
Rachel: You are super weird.
Rachel: Awe. He sure is cute.
Rachel: Hey Grandpa Jessie.
Jessie: Hey. It feels great to have a grandchild. I hope we have 5 more. Sun really wants 6.
Rachel: Looks like there is a new puppy on the way.
Sun: Oh Rachelle, I know you're sad since Ralph passed. It's OK girl.
Rachel: Opps.
Rachel: Great job!
Bumble Bee: Thanks Rachel! Things sure are going great.
Rachel: Hey Grandma Sun! How are you enjoying being a grandma?
Sun: I love it! I can hardly wait for more grand babies.
Rachel: Since Walt was a boy, you know Alex will need to have at least one more
Sun: *gleefully* I know!
Rachel: Nice going Alex.
Alex: Thanks.
Alex: Oh boy
*From the other room* Sun: Yippe!
Rachel: Looks like number 2 is on the way.
Rachel: Congrats Bumble Bee!
Rachel: Oh no Rachelle!
Rachel: So sorry guys.
Me: I feel so bad for Sun. She's devestated.
Rachel: Happy birthday Walt!
Me: WALT! Hum Alex thinks Zucinni is hot. He's just thinking about his wife.
Rachel: All right.!
Rachel: What happened?
Me: WALT! needed his diaper changed. Take 2.
Rachel: Wait, I can't see him!
Rachel: Much better. So handsome!
Rachel: Awe. Walt loves doggies too!
Walt: Dawg-e.
Sun: Come to Grandma.
Jessie: Potty for Grandpa.
Rachel: I like the brown hair better. So handsome.
Alex: Ahh! Grandma no! I'm pregnant!
Rachel: Onto learning to speak. Sun really does love being a Grandma.
Rachel: Sorry.
Rachel: Puppy time!
Rachel: Welcome Harold.
Rachel: Whay are we looking at the moon? Wait, who is looking through the telescope?
Rachel: Alex! No! You're pregnant! Being abducted can't be good for the baby.
Me: The baby will be fine.
*hours pass*
Rachel: Carefull! She's pregnant!
Rachel: Are you OK Alex?
Alex: Ahhh!!!
Rachel: Guess not.
Rachel: It's OK Alex.
Alex: *sobs* No it isn't!
Bumble Bee: I know just the thing to cheer her up. Time for a Dream Date!
Rachel: Hold that thought.
Alex: Ahh!!!
Sun: Momma's coming!
Rachel: And?
It's a girl! Meet Claire!
Rachel: What a sweet girl!
Rachel: Everyone was distracted with Claire's birth that Walt was left alone. Thank good the Jukebox was there to entertain him.
Rachel: Happy Birthday Sun!
Rachel: A lovely elder. 
Sun: One thing though.
Sun: It's time to retire the smokey eye.
Rachel: This is much better. And on that note, I had best be going.
Points: 10
7 for Money
2 for WALT! and Claire
1 for Alex's Top of Career

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