Wednesday, April 01, 2020

Vega 3 - Round 8

Dog Baths
Last time Canada and Fog's son, Mexico grew to teen wooed Pudding Ziese despite being very shy and left for college. Their daughter, Australia grew from a toddler into a lovely girl who immediately started looking for a boyfriend. 

Rachel: Hey England! Hey Rosario! I didn't really see you guys last week.
Rosario: Oh my England, you are just as handsome as the day we met all those years ago.
Rachel: I'll give you space.

Rachel: Nice going Canada!

Rachel: Sorry Fog.
England: Ahh!
Rachel: It sure seems like there are never ending dog baths in this house.
England: It could almost be a full time job.
Rachel: Good idea doing it in your underwear. That way you won't get your clothes wet.
Rachel: Nice!
England: Great job girl!  
Rachel: Congrats!
Australia: Look what I can do Grandpa!
England: Wooh!
Rachel: I'm glad you understand your body better but the fact that you reached the top of the medical field before understanding it, is a bit alarming.
Rachel: Another dog getting older. Happy Birthday!
Rachel: What are you up to Rosario?
Rosario: Making robots. It seems like a good way to spend my golden years.
Rachel: Nice going Australia!
Australia: Look Grandma I got an A+!
Rosario: Oh man my neck hurts from working on these robots.
Rosario: I mean, wooh! Way to go kiddo!
Australia: Twirl me Momma!
Celery: Bang! I gotta copper!
Australia: Celery are you going to college this week? I'm not.
Celery: Not sure.
Australia: Do you want to be my boyfriend?
Me: *Looks at Family Trees* I don't think they are related
Celery: Bang!

Rachel: Whoop!
Rachel: Welcome home Joao. Congrats!

Rachel: Congrats Kelly!

Rachel: My oh my, such great outcomes!
Rachel: Happy Birthday! Man all the dogs are getting old.
Rachel: Congrats, but didn't you already do that?
Canada: I don't think so.
Me: *shrug* I don't remember. Might have had the game crash.
Rachel: Nice job Canada.
Rachel: Homework time.
Rachel: looks like England is back at teaching the dogs tricks.

Rachel: That's a good "Play Dead"
Rachel: Always funny when the neighborhood teens come over and us the sphere.
Rachel: Cute how the grandpa and dad are playing with the kids.

Rachel: Yep these two are just adorable.

Rachel: Nice!
Rachel: Happy Birthday Kelly! I think that's the biggest yawn I've ever seen.
Rachel: The dogs are pretty much on top of each other in this house.
Rachel: And it's bath time again.

Rachel: Look whose back, it's Celery. A new friend too, Alex Riberio.
Rachel: I see Alex's twin brother Sayid is also here.
Australia: Stick 'em up and be my boyfriend.
Sayid: Now I'm a ghost.
Australia: Call a me lawyer!
Rachel: Awe, best friends. Maybe a couple in the future?
England: *thinks* My wife is so smart. She just made a Servo robot. I love her so much.
Rosario: Welcome to the world Steve!
Steve: Is this Sim City?
Rosario: No Prosperity Point. It's a small city.
Australia: So I thought they were going to lock me up after I killed Sayid.
Rachel: She's still working that friendship with Celery.
Rachel: And finding time to increase her game enthusiasm.

Rachel: Sorry England.
Rachel: Nice Canada!
Rachel: Yet another dog bath.
Rachel: Nice going Fog.
Fog: I thought I'd jump on the sewing machine since it's open for once.
Rachel: Greta job George!
Rachel: How does she find the time?
Steve: It's good to be alive!

I must have missed the last shot because that's exactly the same amount as last week and Steve isn't pictured.


peachy123uk said...

Hi, long time no see, your other post "vega 2 it's fine" is not coming up to read. Glad to have a read.

Ziese52 said...

Hi! I realized I had already blogged the Vega 2 house, but hadn't linked to it so there's nothing to read there.

Chrissy Brown said...

Yay, you’re back, Rachel :)

Twoyys4me said...

So great to revisit the Vega's! So much going on and all the dogs getting old! Great to see you playing again Rachel, :)

ASimWen said...

Woo woo look at all those dogs aging up...and the Vegas! Haven't seen them in a while!