Monday, October 19, 2020

Cooprider 3 - Round 9

6 Birthdays

 Last time Leeland finally accomplished his Lifetime Want of Woohooing 50 sims. The fighting continued with Butterfly being mad that Leeland kept cheating on her mom Kricket and Mango being unset Leeland was cheating on his aunt Venice. Butterfly and Mango's son, Driver, kept misplacing his homework so his grades are suffering. And by misplacing, I mean, I have no idea where he is putting it. Seriously, I can't find it.

Driver: Welcome home daddy.
Rachel: Hey guys. Where are the dogs?
Mango: Hum, you know, I don't know. They aren't at work?
Rachel: Not all of them, just Ian.

Rachel: Found them! They somehow ended up under the house with no way out.
Mango: Oh no! I'm calling someone to get this filled in right away!
Rachel: Good idea.

Rachel: Good job Leeland.
Leeland: Thanks.
Rachel: You sure are in a good mood. Do you think you'll be having any more dates anytime soon?
Leeland: Nah, not right now. I think I'm going to let things settle down for awhile. Butterfly drank some juice and she is less furious at me. Mango is still really mad but maybe, with some time, things will get better.
Rachel: Wow, you certainly do seem to be turning over a new leaf. Glad to hear it.

Rachel: Hey Driver! So I see you figured out where your homework is.
Driver: Yes Miss Rachel I did. Boy there sure is a lot to do.
Rachel: Yes there is. I will leave you to it now.
Me: I love this house but it has a few quirks like the pit under it and the weird places the kids put their homework. I swear I looked there before but I didn't see it. It could just be blending in with the deck.

Rachel: Happy Birthday Driver! Looks like you got your homework done just in time.

Rachel: Still a handsome young man. You look so much like your dad, just with red hair. What would you like in life?

Driver: Knowledge

Driver: And I'd really like to be a prestidigitator.
Rachel: Fancy.
Driver: It's just a fancy word for a magician.

Rachel: Nice job Butterfly!
Butterfly: Thanks!

Rachel: Another makeover. You look great. You must be excited that Driver will be headed off to college soon so you and Mango will be empty nesters.
Butterfly: You know, I am. Even though my dad is still here, things are going better. I think it is going to be quieter now.
Rachel: That will be nice.

Butterfly: Oh boy.
Rachel: I guess things won't be quiet after all.
Butterfly: Yeah, I guess not.

Rachel: What is that?
Me: Baby Yoda.
Butterfly: New sculpture.
Rachel: Baby what? Like the Forsythe kid?
Butterfly: What?
Me: No, never mind.
Rachel: Uh, never mind.
Rachel: Happy Birthday Sunny!

Rachel: Congrats Chuck!

Rachel: Taking a turn at the Wishing Well Driver?
Driver: Yep. There aren't a lot of girls headed to college at the same time I am. I figured I'd see if there is a good match for me out there.
Rachel: Good plan.

Rachel: Oh it's Lexi Lovegiver. She's Lilith's little sister.

Rachel: They sure are a nice looking couple. I sure hope they have a future.
Me: We'll see.

Rachel: Congrats, wait, Stormy?
Me: Yeah, I guess I've been calling her the wrong name for a very long time.
Rachel: Oh, OK.
Rachel: Congrats Ian!

Rachel: Yay baby time already!!!
Butterfly: Didn't feel very fast to me. Ahhhhhh!!!!!

Rachel: And?
Butterfly: It's a girl! Meet Serena!
Rachel: Very pretty! I'm so glad you guys finally had a girl!
Butterfly: Me too! We weren't planning on a third but I guess it all worked out.
Rachel: Good going Driver.
Rachel: Congrats Chuck!
Driver: Yes!!!
Rachel: Way to go Driver! I knew if you worked hard you'd get an A+!
Driver: Thanks!

Driver: Mom! Mom! Look Mom!!!

Driver: I did it!!!
Butterfly: Way to go sweetie! I knew you could do it!
Rachel: What are you up to Leeland?
Leeland: Just enjoying my 10th grand child.
Rachel: Wow! That's amazing.
Leeland: Only the third girl. I really like being a grand father, It's so much easier than being a father.
Rachel: Yes and you're far less likely to mess them up.
Rachel: Happy Birthday Serena!

Rachel: She looks so much like her dad. Very cute.
Mango: Walk for daddy.
Rachel: You're such a good dad Mango.
Mango: Thanks! I sure am glad we had a third. Especially a girl.
Rachel: You're so sweet.
Mango: I just love family. that's all.
Rachel: Nice going Butterfly!
Butterfly: Thanks. I'll get to be a Criminal Mastermind one of these days.
Rachel: I'm sure you will.
Rachel: Oh no! Leeland things were going so well!
Rachel: Oh sorry Leeland. But if you aren't fighting, who is?
Rachel: Oh Ian and Chuck. I wish the doggies could all get along.
Rachel: Looks like Driver and Serena both love to dance!
Driver: We sure do!
Butterfly: Say Momma. Ma ma...
Rachel: Looks like the nursery rhyme is going better than talking.
Butterfly: She did getting talking eventually but yeah, the song is going much better.
Rachel: Happy Birthday Chuck!
Mango: How dare you cheat on my aunt!
Rachel: Mango! Things have been going so well!
Leeland: I can do who I want!
Rachel: Well we almost made it through the week...
Rachel: Nice job Ian.
Serena: Stormy.
Rachel: Yep, you've got the dogs name right, I messed it up.
Rachel: Great job Ian!
Rachel: I almost missed it! Happy Birthday Butterfly!
Rachel: Still very pretty but we need to get you more suitable hair.
Rachel: Yeah that looks much more like you.
Rachel: Happy Birthday Mango!
Rachel: Still so handsome!
Rachel: I guess it's time to go. Good going Driver! So is Lexi going with you?
Driver: I'm not sure yet. She might. We are best friends. She just isn't sure.
Rachel: Well, I'll see you there and maybe her too.
Points: 3
2 for Money
1 for Serena.

After playing 15 houses, I messed up my game and had to put back in a backup. I fast forwarded through the households in the replay and made sure to get the same genders for the kids born but they do look at least somewhat different. I will put the new version of the kids at the end of the posts so you will recognize them if they show up later.

New Serena

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