Tuesday, June 02, 2020

Tellerman 1 - Round 8

How Does This Keep Happening?
Last time Florida and Carrot raised their son M&M from a child to a teen and he left for college. Meanwhile, Florida's step-sister, Georgia raised her son, Twix, with her husband, Mercury. He also left for college and is back with his girlfriend, Padme Morreli. 
Rachel: Oh wow, it's kitten time already?
Rachel: Welcome Charlie and Emma. Hey, I can't really see them.
Me: Don't worry about it.
Rachel: Huh?
Rachel: What the?
Me: One of the boys was in the bed when they were sent to college. It's weird, I know.
Rachel: Oh Georgia, I love the makeover.
Georgia: Thanks Rachel.
Rachel: Padme, you look great too!. I love how the new do high lights your elf ears.
Twix: Yeah I love it too. You're smart and beaustiful!
*A little while later*
Twix: Padme, my love. Will you do me the honor of being my wife?
Padme: Of course I will! I love you!
Rachel: Yay!
Rachel: OK guys, get to the arch.
Rachel: Opps, Padme's mom, Quita, is wearing her wedding dress too.
Rachel: Congrats guys!
Rachel: Twix, not cool to be thinking how hot your step-aunt is at your own wedding, Plus she's in an identical dress as Padme.
Twix: She looks nice...sorry.
Rachel: Cake time. OK Twix, make up for your behavior moments ago.
Rachel: Good job.
Rachel: Not surprising given all the kissing before the wedding.
Rachel: Ohhhh, I see why the kittens weren't too important.
Rachel: I guess there is only one area of the yard that's good for playing catch.
Rachel: Nice!
Rachel: Greta going Twix!
Twix: Thanks.
Rachel: Oh boy! Um or oh girl! The next generation is on it's way! Congrats Padme!
Padme: Thank you Rachel.
Rachel: Oh wow! Congrats to you too Florida!
Florida: Thanks this is rather unexpected.
Rachel: So what happens if it's a girl? I mean this is the Tellerman household.
Florida: I don't know. Our son M&M is off with his wife Aphrodite, awaiting his own first child.
Rachel: Oh boy. That means that their kid's aunt or uncle will be slightly younger than him or her.
Florida: Yep.
Rachel: Nice going Padme.
Padme: One skill down.
Rachel: That's right, you want to learn everything. Good start.
Rachel: So Carrot is on a date with his wife, Florida and his thinking how hot her step sister, Georgia is. Meanwhile Georgia just became best friends with Chevy who is now being annoyed by Florida.
Me: Sounds right.
Rachel: What an odd date.

Rachel: Cute. Padme's dad, Zeus and her uncle, Ares are doing a school cheer.
Me; Oh no...
Rachel: What?
Me: So, that's true but Zeus and Ares are also Twix's half cousins. Their dad, Jazz, is Mercury's half-brother.
Rachel: Why does this keep happening?
Me: Well, I hadn't made the giant family trees when I was getting all these couples together. Also, between Andre Vega (Holiday) and Coqui Vega, they are responsible for a lot of the neighborhood.
Rachel: Andre did have 13 kids, 30 grand kids so far, and 21 great grand kids. Coqui has 12 kids, 27 grand kids, and 21 great grand kids. About half of each group is shared. They had 7 kids together and have 14 grand kids in common.
Me: *pulls out calculator* So as of right now there have only been 290 official residents and 103 of them are descendants of one or both of these two.
Rachel: Wow. How many are my descendants?
Me: *Rolls eyes* Hold on.... 7 kids, 19 grand kids, and 9 great grand kids. 35 total.
Rachel: That really puts things into perspective. 
Me: Before you ask, you share 2 grand kids with Andre (Flute & Piccolo) and 1 grand kid (Dory) and 1 grand kid (Twitter) with Coqui.
Rachel: I guess I will need to try to get some of my grand kids and great grand kids to marry some of their's.
Me: Sure. Go for it. I don't care anymore.
Rachel: Nice going Tux. Time to get out of here!
Points: 3 all for Money

1 comment:

ASimWen said...

My head is spinning with that family tree! LOL