Handmade Gifts
Last time Natalie and Zucinni's son, Hamster, grew from a child to a teen. He fell in love with Amber Robins. They went to college and are off in a house together. Tiger's daughter, Bunny, worked on making friends. Moira made a bunch of custom outfits but they were lost, I think when I updated to the Ultimate Collection.
Rachel: Hey guys! I love how Natalie's swimsuit matches Zucinni's skin. Oh and the new hair does are great!
Natalie: Thanks!
Rachel: Oh my. These two are still really into each other.
Rachel: Way to go Maegan.
Rachel: Hi Bunny! Did you bring someone home from school?
Bunny: Yeah, this Celery Rosada.
Rachel: Yeah, I know Celery. He's making a lot of friends right now.
Rachel: Where'd Celery go?
Bunny: Oh, he's the restroom. I just love all the fun stuff we can do in the winter. Look, I made a snow angel and now I'm making a snowman.
Rachel: Very nice.
Rachel: Happy Birthday Bunny!
Rachel: Wow, that's a pretty big group to help you celebrate.
Rachel: You grew up quite lovely.
Bunny: Thanks.
Bunny: Hopefully it's helpful with my romantic pursuits.
Rachel: Oh no.
Rachel: I love the new hair style!
Bunny: Thanks!
Bunny: I'd really like 20 simultaneous lovers so I need to look good!
Me: She'll be re-rolling in college.
Bunny: What was that?
Rachel: The wind. Ignore it.
Rachel: Amber, what are you doing here?
Rachel: Amber?
Rachel: Hum, I guess she doesn't realize he lives with her. Weird.
Rachel: Bunny?
Bunny: Yes?
Rachel: You've been outside in the cold too long. You're looking a little blue.
Bunny: But it's a snow day.
Rachel: Inside, now. You need to warm up then you can go back out.
Bunny: OK.
Rachel: Celery's back. What is he doing?
Me: Beating the bear.
Rachel: Why?
Me: So he can hug it. It's weird.
Natalie: Here's a gift for you. You seemed to like our bear so much.
Me: Moira has been making bears like there's no tomorrow. Might as well spread the love.
Rachel: Natalie, you'd better wrap one up for Zebra too. He didn't even beat it before hugging it.
Rachel: Alex? What are you doing?
Alex: Cleaning the cat house.
Rachel: Why?
Alex: It's dirty.
Rachel: Fair enough.
Moira: Here's a few late birthday gifts.
Bunny: Thanks! I wonder what it is.
Moira: 3 quilts, a pot holder, and a flat screen tv.
Bunny: Oh thank you so much!
Rachel: What are you two up to?
Natalie: Another date. We came up to the newly built second floor to get away from all those kids downstairs. My goodness Bunny is trying to make a lot of friends.
Rachel: Now you're asking for a date?
Bunny: Yeah. All the boys I know are just kids and I'd really like to date.
Rachel: OK, just don't blow the bank.
Rachel: Whose that?
Bunny: Hyun
Rachel: Who?
Bunny: I don't know.
Rachel: Holy cow! Nice going Tiger.
Rachel: Do the smustle! Dop dop,da dop.
Me: I caught Bunny mid hop. *he he*
Rachel: I don't get it.
Me: Never mind.
Rachel: Hey Hamster!
Hamster: Hey. I thought I'd come by to see my cousin Bunny.
Rachel: Cousin?
Hamster: First cousin once removed. Our dad's are cousin. Geez.
Rachel: Looks like Hyun likes Bunny.
Bunny: He's OK. Nothing serious though.
Me: Only one bolt of chemistry so he is not going to college with her.
Moira: I made something for you sweetie.
Amber: Oh thanks.
Moira: I made you an outfit.
Moira: Kool-Aid he's one for you too.
Kool-Aid: Thanks for the outfit.
Rachel: Why are you giving out so many outfits?
Moira: Have you seen what they are graduating from college in? This is necessary.
Me: Hey it's Trent Knight. He's from one of the Fellowships. Rachel, tell Bunny to go greet him!!
Rachel: Bunny, come here, quick! There's a boy!
Bunny: Hi.
Trent: Hi.
Rachel: No sparks.
Me: Negative sparks even.
Moira: Rooolll over. Rooolll over.
Rachel: Keep at it. She'll get it.
Rachel: Oh no Tiff got stuck outside!
Moira: She was starving so I'm giving her a treat then I'll take her up into the house.
Rachel: What's wrong Natalie?
Natalie: Mc...Lach...lan...
Rachel: Oh, sad.
Rachel: Natalie is really not taking this well.
Rachel: Bad timing Tiff but Happy Birthday.
Rachel: Sorry for your lose guys.
Rachel: It just feels weird that an adult male is inviting a teen to special gym.
Moira: This is for you Hamster.
Hamster: Oh thank you so much Moira.
Rachel: Another outfit?
Moira: And a couple other things. He is family.
Rachel: Yeah, he REALLY needed a new outfit.
Cali: Hello, I'm Mr. Bear.
Zucinni: What are you doing?
Cali: *defeated* Nothing.
Rachel: Nice work Bunny.
Rachel: Time for college?
Bunny: Just about. I hope some of my friends will be old enough to go with me.
Rachel: I think they will. Good job on the scholarships.
Bunny: Thanks.
Points: 1 for Money
Bunny is such a pretty teenager!
Gift time! My simmies tend to give stuff away to townies....that need to be out of the game. haha
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