Monday, July 13, 2020

Simmers 2 - Round 8

Fashion Victims 
Another new house. Dali and DaVinci are half siblings. Wen Simmers is their mother. Bacilus (Wen's husband) is Dali's dad, while Quavi Holiday is DaVinci's dad.  Pop Vega is engaged to Dali. He is the son of Vodka and Ricky and the twin of Kool-Aid. Mercedes Vega (no relation to Pop) is a Fellowship townie who is engaged to DaVinci. They met in high school and she went through college with him.

 Rachel: Welcome to your new home guys!
Mercedes: Your last nae is Vega too?
Pop: Yes, I know it's funny how that happened.
 Rachel: Well it looks like these two are getting to know each other. Good since they will be living together. I thought you guys' half-sister O'Keefe was making you guys new outfits.
Dali: She was but she didn't get them to us before we moved in.
 Rachel: That's too bad. I'm sorry to say this, but you guys really pulled the short straw when it came to clothes. Well, except for Pop, his outfit is OK.
Dali: Yeah, we've got a couple sewing machines so we'll get on it soon.

 Me: I guess I missed Mercedes' LTW. I'll have to get it later.
  Rachel: Makeover time!
 Dali: Wooh! I love it!
 Rachel: Yeah, I think you look great! Now you just need new clothes.
  Rachel: Very nice Pop!
Pop: Thanks! I figured it was time to lose the visor and get a bit more controlled hair cut. I don't think many Celebrity Chefs where visors.
 Rachel: Maybe a few but this cut really shows off your strong jawline.
  Rachel: I guess Dali likes it too.

  Rachel: You guys need new wall paper. I mean polka dots? I guess they are busy.
 Me: Hey this house has solar panels! I don't think I've ever used them before. *Note to self, install solar panels wherever possible.*
  Rachel: Very nice!
 Mercedes: I love it! I hope DaVinci hurries up on his sewing!
 Rachel: DaVinci's working on sewing?
Maercedes: Yeah, Dali is too but DaVinci has the skills he needs for a promotion so he has the most time right now.
 Rachel: Cool.
  Rachel: Greta job Dali!
Dali: Thanks! I couldn't be happier!
 Dali: Maybe I could!
 Rachel: Congrats! I thought you wanted a life of Romance.
Dali: Well, so does Pop. Maybe we can have a life of Romance together.
  Rachel: Congrats to you too Mercedes!
  Rachel: And you're getting a dog!
Dali: Yeah I really wanted one.
  Rachel: Welcome to your new home Genie!
 Dali: Maybe I want two.
  Rachel: Welcome Davie.
 Me: Dali's next LTW for after the baby arrives and she uses her vacation days.
   Rachel: Hey DaVinci! I've hardly seen you.
DaVinci: Yeah. I've been busy sewing. I've got everyone's everyday outfits made and I'm just finishing up the wedding dresses.
  Rachel: So there will be weddings after the babies are born.
DaVinci: Wait, babies?
  Rachel: Yeah your sister and fiancee are both pregnant.
DaVinci: Maybe I have been sewing too much.
  Rachel: Yeah.
   Rachel: Looks like the dogs are getting along already.
8 for Money
1 fo Dali's Top of Career

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