Wednesday, July 08, 2020

Lovegiver 1 - Round 8

Last time Centepede and Lilith's son, Data grew from an infant to a toddler and they began working on toddler skills. The parents also worked on their careers while dealing with the cramped space of an apartment.

 Rachel: Oh no! Not too long ago they were having kittens and now they are fighting.
Me: Tori is very mean.
 Rachel: Looks like Amy schooled him anyway.
Rachel: Nice going! 
Rachel: Happy Birthday Data! 
 Rachel: Data, those Cooprider genes are really coming out. With Grandpa Quavi's eyes, you look perfect for your name. 
 *After school the next day*
Rachel: Looks like Data is already making friends. They're the same age and not related.
Me: True. They might be a match.
Rachel: Yay!!!
Me: Settle.
 Data: Weee!!!
Rachel: The apartment playground sure is nice. There are a lot of other restrictions from living in an apartment complex. I've gotta say this is a nice bonus.
 Data: I'll push us! Hop on!
 Rachel: Um... why are you just standing there weird neighbor guy?
Ethan: My name is Ethan Barrett. I live next to Data and his family.
 Ethan: I wanted to push the kids.
Rachel: Yeah, that's kinda creepy.
 Data: Welcome home Momma.
 Rachel: Did you have fun with Easter Data?
Centepede: Shh. It's homework time.
Data: Yes.
Rachel: Nice.
Me: Yeah, he got a pizza and Emerald and Malachite showed up. They don't live here anymore. Emerald peed herself and passed out. Malachite passed out several times and wouldn't leave even when asked to.
 Lilith: I'm so glad you suggested we come out here. This is so much fun.
Data: It's the best!
 Centepede: Roll over.
 Centepede: Come on Amy. Roll...over.
Rachel: Good luck!
Me: See there's Malachite passed out. 
Rachel: Why is Data sleeping on the sofa instead of his bed?
Me: That Ethan guy keeps pounding on the walls any time there are dirty dishes or more than two people go to the bathroom without cleaning the toilet. Poor guy can't sleep.
 Rachel: Nice job Data!
Points: 1 for Money

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