Monday, March 08, 2021

Simmes 1 - Round 9

Take a Chance
Last time was a complete blackout. Libby and George's daughter, Buffy returned from college with her fiancée, Parker. The two were married and had a baby boy named Xander at the end of the week. Everyone worked on careers including the cats.
Rachel: Wow, great start to the week!
Rachel: Great job for you too George!
George: Thanks Rachel.
Rachel: Another great start!
Libby: Thanks!
Rachel: Emmett!!! Why are you yelling and poking Mantis?
Emmett: I just don't like him.
Rachel: Padme, you don't even live here! Maybe you should leave Mantis.
Mantis: Yeah, good idea.
Rachel: Wow, settle down Emmett!
Emmett: I really don't like Mantis.
Rachel: I guess.
Rachel: Well that's nice.
Rachel: Great job Buffy!
Buffy: Thanks!

Rachel: Nice!
Rachel: Happy birthday Xander!
Rachel: Such a cutie!
Rachel: Nice dancing Xander!
Buffy: Oh my tiny little man. Let's do some learning.
Rachel: Walking time.
Rachel: Congrats Lisa!
Rachel: Sorry Libby.
Rachel: I love the new do Xander! Super cute.
Rachel: Nice job Jean!
Rachel: Nice to see these two are still so in love.
Rachel: Parker! Don't pick a fight with your mother-in-law!!!
Rachel: Oh dear. This could be things dicey going forward. 
Jenn: Rolllll over. Come on Kyle. Rolllll over.
Rachel: There you go Parker. Occupy yourself so you won't fight with Libby.

Rachel: Congrats!
Rachel: Looks like Kyle learned to roll over. Congrats!
Rachel: Awesome!
Rachel: Wow! Great!
Rachel: Nice. Man, seems like there are a lot of chance cards right now.
Rachel: Congrats Parker! Know that you will always be in a good mood, will you avoid fights with Libby?
Parker: I can't make any promises.
Rachel: Well then.
Rachel: Nice going Buffy!
Buffy: Thanks.
Rachel: Great going Jean!
Rachel: You too Kyle!
Rachel: Happy Birthday Xander!

Rachel: Such a cutie!
Rachel: Nice job Buffy!
Buffy: Thanks! I couldn't be happier!
Rachel: That's wonderful!
Rachel: Trying out your mom's dance bar?
Xander: Yep! Maybe I'll be a dancer too! I don't know yet.
Rachel: Well you have fun in the meantime.
Xander: Grandma Libby is helping me out.
Rachel: That's wonderful!
Rachel: Looks like Emmett is trying to get the cats promotions. Much better than wishing his neighbors dead.
Emmett: What's that?
Rachel: Nothing.
Rachel: Looks like all three cats need to learn to play dead.
Rachel: Good job making friends Xander! Don't follow your dad's example.
Rachel: Keep it up Buddy! Maybe you and Skittles could have a future.
Me: Nope, they are second cousins. Their grand fathers were brothers. But he isn't related to you so he could marry someone from your family.
Rachel:  Ohhhh, I like that.
Rachel: Interesting attire for a water balloon fight kids. Have fun though!
Rachel: Welcome home Daddy!
Rachel: You too Mommy.

Rachel: Nice.
Rachel: Four way birthday time! Happy Birthday Jenn!
Rachel: You look great Jenn!
Jenn: Thanks!
Rachel: Happy Birthday Libby!
Rachel: Love it Libby!
Libby: Thanks!
Rachel: Happy Birthday Emmett!
Rachel: Such a handsome guy.
Emmett: Thank you.
Rachel: Last but not least, Happy Birthday George!
Rachel: You look virtually the same.
George: Ah, thanks?
Rachel: Whelp I had best get going. See you next week.
Points: 20
17 for Money
3 for Top of Careers for George, Parker and Buffy

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