So Cute
Last time Kate and Cougar's extremely nice daughter, Raven, grew into a lovely teen. She worked on making friends with a bunch of the neighborhood boys including Romaine Rosada. If you look on the family trees, they are distant relatives but since Cougar was adopted, they are not blood relatives. They started dating once Romaine became a teen and got engaged in college. Raven has returned alone for the moment because the house is full. Libby and Jasper's sweet son, Falcon grew from a toddler into a child. He also worked on making friends and spent a lot of time bowling. He was not good at it and spent a lot of time flat on his face.
Rachel: Welcome home Raven. Calling Romaine?
Raven: Not yet.
Raven: Unfortunately one of the kittens has to go to make room for Romaine to move in.
Raven: Mom, I'm sorry! You want me to get married right and have kids right?
Kate: *sniff* Yeah. OK. I'll be fine.
Rachel: Welcome to your new house Romaine.
Romaine: Thank you! Now I think Raven I need to go clothing shopping.
Rachel: But I like Raven's dress.
Raven: I like the dress too but the grass bracelets are too much for everyday wear.
Rachel: I guess.
Rachel: Very handsome Romaine!
Romaine: Thanks Rachel! I thought it was time for a more adult haircut.
Rachel: Agreed.
Rachel: Happy Birthday Kale! You look so much like your dad.
Rachel: Speaking of Payne! Bye boy! You were a good kitty.
Rachel: The one plus is now there is room for Raven and Romaine to start a family.
Raven: We have one thing to take care of first. Meet me outside at the arch.
Rachel: Wedding!!!
Rachel: Congratulations guys!
Rachel: OK guys. Get a room!
Raven: Cake first.
Raven: OK, we got a room, now get out!
Rachel: Sorry. Excuse me. I think I hear something in the kitchen.
Rachel: Cougar what happened?!?!
Cougar: I don't know. The butler wandered away from the kitchen and the smoke detector started going off.
Raven: Oh my goodness Dad! A fire on my wedding night!
Cougar: Sorry sweetie. I didn't mean to wreck your night.
Raven: No, you didn't. If something had happened to you, then it would have been wrecked.
*The next afternoon*
Falcon: Yes! A+!!!
Rachel: Good job Falcon!
Falcon: Auntie Kate! I got an A+!
Kate: Way to go! I knew you could do it.
Falcon: Welcome home Daddy!
Jasper: Thanks son!
Rachel: Nice going Cougar! Don't try to make a special meal.
Cougar: Hey! That wasn't me! I promise! You know we had to get a new stove?
Rachel: I didn't know that.
Cougar: We couldn't get the smell out so we had to get a new one.
Rachel: Wow.
Raven: Oh boy!
Rachel: Baby! It was hard to hear over the smoke alarm but I thought I heard some chimes that night.
Rachel: Happy birthday Jewel!
Rachel: Nice job Romaine!
Romaine: Well Thank you Rachel.
Rachel: Happy Birthday Falcon!
Rachel: Oh my Falcon!
Falcon: What?
Rachel: You're, um... really good looking.
Falcon: Oh. OK.
Rachel: I foresee a bunch of girls fighting over you.
Falcon: Well I'm a one girl kind-a guy.
Falcon: I'd like 6 Grandkids.
Rachel: Just like your... cousin's husband... sounds right.. either way, Romaine.
Falcon: Yep, he's had a real influence on me.
Rachel: You two sure are cute.
Raven: We heard dancing could help induce labor and I'm ready to have our baby.
Rachel: Well, good luck!
Rachel: Looks like the dancing worked.
Raven: It's a boy! Welcome Hawk!
Rachel: Hi Hawk!
Rachel: Looks like the whole family is excited.
Rachel: He is such a cutie!
Me: Yeah, unfortunately that changes.
Rachel: What?
Me: He's part of the whole having to redo thing and the new Hawk is also cute but different.
Rachel: What are you talking about?
Me: Never mind, you won't remember the change anyway.
Rachel: You're very strange.
Me: I'm aware.
Falcon: I'm looking for my one true love!
Gypsy: Let me see what I can do.
Rachel: Um, they are first cousins once removed. That is a no go!
Falcon: Try again please.
Me: It's Flower Anderson! She's a custom townie, possibly from my Legacy or the Pass-A-Sim. Sorry I don't remember.
Falcon: She is very pretty.
Rachel: Yes she is and you definitely are not related.
Rachel: And he's asleep. Cute!
Rachel: Looks like the date is going well.
Falcon: There, there Hawk.
Rachel: You're going to be a great dad Falcon.
Falcon: Thanks!
Rachel: That is one heck of a welcome Falcon.
Falcon: Sorry I'm just so happy to see her.
Falcon: Let's just stare into each other's eyes while we hold hands.
Flower: OK.
Rachel: Happy Birthday Hawk!
Rachel: He's a cutie.
Raven: Thanks Rachel.
Romaine: OK buddy. Time to walk for Daddy.
Rachel: You must be loving being a dad.
Romaine: Absolutely! I'm hoping we can have another after Falcon heads off to college.
Rachel: I hope so too.
Cougar: Can you say Grandpa? Grandpa.
Hawk: No.
Rachel: Happy Birthday Kate!
Rachel: Skill beautiful.
Kate: Thank you.
Rachel: Happy Birthday Libby!
Rachel: Also lovely.
Libby: Thanks but I need grey hair.
Rachel: Much better.
Rachel: Happy Birthday Cougar!
Rachel: Still handsome.
Cougar: Thanks.
Rachel: OK, Jasper's turn!
Jasper: Nope, I'm one day younger than the other three.
Rachel: Good job Falcon! So do you think Flower will be coming to college?
Falcon: I sure hope so but she isn't sure yet. She has to see how everything goes between now and then.
Me: Considering Easter and Firestar are the only 2 girls going to college at the same time as him that he isn't related to, I'd say there are pretty good odds.
Points: 15
1 for Hawk
13 for Money
1 for Cougar's Top of Career
As I mentioned this is one of the houses that I replayed in fast forward. Hawk is still cute but not as interesting looking. He takes after his Great Grandma Aimee Ribeiro very strongly instead of his Grandpa October with Great Grandpa Xuan's eyes. Because Romaine wants 6 grandkids and he is 9 nice and Raven is 10 nice, they will be having at least one more kid so maybe the next will get those genes.
Australia was still Falcon's first requested date. There was one in between and then Flower Anderson was number 3 so that played out nicely. Even if she doesn't end up going for some reason, she is still his first kiss.
New Hawk