Monday, May 28, 2018

Rosada 4 - Round 8

Family of Love
Last time Rogue worked on her Lifetime Want of Raising 20 puppies or Kittens with a revolving door of puppies. Rogue and Pie's daughter, Phoenix, worked on making friends with some of the boys in the neighborhood.  Ariana and Rogue showed themselves to be the closest mother/daughter duo in town. Adrian was around but nothing noteworthy happened with him.

Rachel: Wow, we're hitting the ground running here. Happy Birthday Zachy! How many does that make Rogue?
Rogue: Not sure, but we're close.
Rachel: Nice going !
Phoenix: Welcome home Mommy!
Rogue: Thanks sweetie.
Rachel: Nice to see the next generation with such a strong bond just like the one before it.
Pie: *sings* I lovvve youuuu
Rachel: How sweet, This family is full of love.
Rachel: Homework time, I'll keep moving.
Rachel: Looks like a great way to spend to send your day off, playing video games.
Phoenix: Yeah but I think I'm going to ask my friend December to come over.
Rachel: That's good plan. He's age appropriate too!
Rachel: December, do you like this house?
December: It's OK.
Rachel: Do you think you could see yourself living here some day?
December: What?
Phoenix: Hey! We're trying to play here!
Rogue: Oh I just love puppies sooooo much!
Rachel: Congratulations you did it!!! 
Rachel:  Wait, where did the dog go?
Rachel: There you are. Happy Birthday Cori!

Rachel: Nice going Grandson!
Pie: Oh I love how you come welcome me home every day sweetheart.
Phoenix: Congrats on the promotion Daddy.
Rachel: Oh hey Adrian. Long time no see.
Rachel: Ah sorry. I guess he's busy. It's sweet how much in love these two are still.
Phoenix: Good girl.
Rachel: Do you think you'll want to raise a bunch of puppies or kittens some day?
Phoenix: Nah. I like them but not THAT much.
Rachel: Happy Birthday Benny! Puppy #21.
Brett: I get good grades. What about you? Do you get good grades? 'Cause I do.
Phoenix: Yeah, you're a bit much.
Rachel: She is thinking really hard about that wish. Happy Birthday Phoenix!
Rachel: I love this outfit for you! What would you like out of life?
Phoenix: Love, lots and lots of love. This ill be a house of love!
Rachel: Oh boy. Um, but you're an heiress.
Phoenix: So. Heiresses need love too.
Rachel: Humph.
Phoenix: I've gotta keep this body tight!
Rachel: WOW!
Rachel: Wonderful job Pie!
Pie: Thank you Grandma!
Rachel: And with that, I must move on.

I missed the final image. So instead we've got Adrian and Ariana getting a bit too close.
Points: 1 for Pie's top of career


Justwright said...

Great Update! The puppies are adorable.

ASimWen said...

One thing I have always marveled at in your hood is the hair is so pretty. Even with my high powered laptop, it takes forever to page thru the different hair files when I am wanting to change hair styles.

ciyrose said...

I LOVE that outfit she grew up into! It's a great look, especially for a romance girl. Hopefully, her LTW is career based so it won't matter so much that she is an heiress. Nice job as always.