Thursday, March 13, 2025

Holiday 1 - Round 10

This is Going to Get Confusing
Last time Monica and Jack continued to raise their 4 boys after getting their 4th son while trying for a girl. Gunther arrived at the very end of the week. Twins, Ross and Joey grew to teens and headed off to college. They have both moved back and had their own kids with woman in my Sim Family. Big Foot, Ted continued to help with the kids and gave hugs to almost everyone.

Rachel: Sorry Jack. Rough start to the new week.
Rachel: Oh, but you got a promotion anyway. Nice going!
Jack: Thanks.
Rachel: Hi Monica. Monica?
Monica: Huh? Oh sorry. I'm REALLY hungry for some reason.
Me: I wonder what the reason is.
Rachel: Me too.
Me: *face palm* Please tell me...oh never mind. I hope she enjoys the CHEESECAKE.
Rachel: Me too.
Me: Sometimes I wonder if she is really this clueless or just messing with me. Wait, I write her and now I'm confused.
Rachel: Love the new hair Monica.
Monica: Thanks Rachel.
Rachel: Way to go Jack!
Jack: Eh, it's been a so-so week.
Rachel: What? You're killing it. Come on man.
Chandler: Wooh! I got an A+!
Rachel: Great job!
Rachel: Ted, I see your coworkers are continuing to send you home with gifts every day.
Ted: Ted grill.
Rachel: Yeah, nice grill.
Rachel: Oh dear. At first she was super hungry and now she's super tired. 
Me: Gee I wonder why.
Rachel: Me too.
Me: Not this again.
Rachel: Oh my gosh! Congrats on being pregnant again Monica!
Monica: I sure hope it's a boy...I mean a girl.
Rachel: You know you want another boy so you can have a 6th kid to marry off.
Monica: Maybe...
Rachel: Gunther's birthday already? Oh boy!
Rachel: Wow! Look at that hair!
Monica: Yeah, he's getting a haircut.
Monica: Much better.
Rachel: I agree. What a cutie!
Jack: Say, "Dada"
Gunther: nah.
Jack: Say, "High Chair".
Gunther: Chigh Hair.
Rachel: Close.
Rachel: Nice job Jack!
Jack: Thanks! One step closer to Education Minister.
Ted: Baby walk.
Rachel:  Thanks for the help Ted.

Rachel: Nice.
Rachel: Puppy!
Rachel: Hey! Where are you going?
Rachel: Welcome Anna.
Rachel: What's wrong buddy?
Chandler: I want to have some fun. I'm bored!
Rachel: Well, the bood news is it's your birthday. Head to the cake. That will be fun.
Rachel: Make a wish.
Chandler: I guess things are going pretty well.
Rachel: Sure are. What are you looking for in life?
Chandler: Family.
Chandler: Specifically a pet family.
Me: *Shakes head* Not another one.
Rachel: Hush. That sounds great Chandler. Do you hear something?
Monica: Ahhhh!!!!
Rachel: Baby!
Me: Babies!
Rachel:  How did you know?
Me: Cheesecake.
Rachel: And?
Monica: It's a boy! Meet Marcel!
Rachel: Welcome Marcel.
Monica: Ahhhhhhh!!!!!
Rachel: And?
Monica: It's a girl! Meet Rachel.
Rachel: Meet myself?
Monica: No, the baby's name is Rachel.
Rachel: After me?
Monica: No. A former roommate of mine.
Me: This won't be confusing at all.
Rachel: Looks like everyone is excited for the newest family members. So, does this mean you're done having kids?
Monica: Well, I would like more but I did end up with 6 kids that will, hopefully, all get married.
Rachel: I hope so too.
Rachel: Jack! Were you spying on Natalie through the telescope during the day again?
Jack: It was right there.
Rachel: No excuse.
Me: Look it's Emily from Toddler Mania again.
Rachel: Sweet! Quick someone greet her.
Rachel: Doesn't look like the nursery rhythm is going well. I'll leave them to it.
Chandler: Dad! Are you OK?
Rachel: He'll be fine. He's just really tired.
Chandler: Oh dear.
Rachel: Looking for love?
Chandler: Yep. I want a family and I have to find love first.
Rachel: Oh dear. Australia Vega is spoken for. Come Match Maker! Do better.
Chandler: I'm going to head downtown. See if anyone is there.
Rachel: Looks like you're hitting it off with Heather Simmes.
Chandler: Yeah. She's nice.
Rachel: But she's an adult.
Chandler: I will be soon.
Rachel: I guess that's a good point.
Chandler: Oh hi Chrissy. It's nice to meet you.
Chrissy: You too. It is weird how your mom's name is Monica but on the show your wife's name is Monica and your brothers were you roommates at different times. Except the coffee house one that's obcessed with your baby sister and the one that is a monkey.
Chandler: Wow. That's...razy. See ya!
Rachel: Oh Heather is back.
Me: I wonder if these two will have a future. I guess time will tell.
Rachel: Do you know and you just aren't saying?
Me: Nope. Not yet.
Rachel: Whatcha doing?
Chandler: Trying a new hobby.
Rachel: I think he has a nack for it.
Rachel: Heather, what are ou doing here at the house?
Heather: I had such a good time hanging out with Chandler. I wanted to bring him a gift.
Rachel: Wow...a lamp...
Me: A nice lamp.
Rachel: Another birthday for Gunther again?
Rachel: Happy Birthday!
Rachel: Another very handsome boy.
Chandler: Please bring me a single girl this time.
Rachel: Yes, please.
Rachel: Samantha Simmes. I can't remember, is she single?
Chandler: I don't know!
Rachel: Wasn't asking you.
Me: Hold on. Let me check my spreadsheet.... She is with Data Lovegiver.
Rachel: Sorry Chandler.
Chandler: Awe.
Rachel: Hey it's Yorkie and Shiba Inu Morreli! Two of my granddaugthers!
Rachel: Looks like Gunther (not Chandler) is getting along with my granddaughter. We'll leave them to it.
Rachel: Man, so many cakes this week. Happy Birthday Marcel!

Rachel: Martial Arts toddler!
Rachel: Oh I love it Marcel!
Rachel: Last but not least, Happy Birthday Rachel!
Rachel: So cute, but that hair.
Rachel: A-dor-able! I guess it's time to go. See you all next week.
Points: 5
2 for Marcel and Rachel
3 for Money

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