Thursday, August 14, 2008

Ribeiro 2 - Round 6

I Never Thought I Could Do It
Last time Abigail and Jan enjoyed having the house to themselves which their daughters were off at college. Now California and her boyfriend, Oak Dante, have returned home.

Rachel: Hi guys. Oh sorry. Looks like I'm interrupting.
Rachel: Looks like it's time for a new puppy.
Rachel: She just arrived and she already had a birthday. Wow girl!
Rachel: looks like a major gardening party.
California: Yep, the gardening club will be here soon.
Rachel: Good idea Jan, talk to the plant about elephants.
Rachel: Hey it worked! You're in!
Rachel: Now I really think I'm interrupting.
Rachel: What are you wishing for California?
California: Friends! What else?
Rachel: Happy birthday Davie.
Rachel: Happy birthday Donnie.
Rachel: A baby! Congrats California!
California: Thanks! We're very excited!
Rachel: Bye boys!
Rachel: More friends?
California: Yeppers.
Jan: Good boy Bobby.
Jan: Do you like it?
Townie: Yes, very much.
Rachel: Did you open a salon or something?
Jan: Sort of. Just giving out free makeovers.
Rachel: Wait, did you just get 20 Best Friends?
California: Sure did!
Rachel: Wow, I really didn't think it would ever happen.
Rachel: So what are you looking for now?
California: A great journalist!
Rachel: Baby time!
California: It's a girl! We'll call her Virginia.
Rachel: Congrats! An heiress already.
Rachel: What happened Oak?
Oak: Minor cooking accident.
Rachel: Minor?
Rachel: Everyone OK?
Oak: Yep, stinky, but OK.
Rachel: Wow Abigail, you're a pottery making machine!
Abigail: Thanks! I just love it.
Rachel: Sorry California.
Rachel: Yay puppies!
Rachel: Welcome Daysies ad Peeler.
Rachel: Enjoying some sports I see Oak.
Oak: Yep, we decided to open a little venue. I like sports so I thought I'd take on some customers.
Erin: What the heck? Do you think I'm some kind of clown?
Jan: Oh, no sorry. Let me try again.
Erin: Much better. Thanks.
Rachel: Oh No! Fight!
Rachel: Oh thanks for protecting the house Andrea.
Rachel: Looks like Oak is trying his hand at the till. Let's not bother him.
Rachel: Happy birthday Virgina!
Rachel: No doubt who your father is my dear.
California: Come to momma.
Rachel: So sweet.
Rachel: All those hours on the wheel sure have paid off.
Rachel: Wow! That is one big vase!
Abigail: I know! I hope Oak can sell it.
Jewel: Sure I'll take Daysies. I really want to raise a bunch of animals.
Rachel: Looks like it's time for me to go.

Points: 7
1 for Virginia
6 for Money

I also achieved a 20 best friends lifetime want for the first time!


Infinity-Nevermore said...

Wow, it's interesting coming back to these houses after so long. I'd had no idea what California's lifetime want was. I'd also forgotten that the new Bustos are Dantes. Are Abigail and Jan still up to their old escapades? Well, Virginia could look worse.

Bubbs said...

Virginia is a cutie! You can see those Busto genes! :)

Congrats on the 20 pet best friends, I haven't done that one.

Kristine said...

Congrats on getting the wishing well! Love the photo of Jan talking to the plants about elephants! Funny! All the puppies are cuties! Great makeover photos! Virginia sure does look like her daddy!! Enjoyed the update!

ASimWen said...

Wowzers! Looky at that vase! LOLOL I have gotten the gold badge, but never made that. OOOhh love Virginia, she is a cutie! :) I just love seeing Fellowship. I guess I am missin' those guys.

Kerry said...

Yeah, I love seeing the fellowship sims, too. Virginia is cute, but you're right--no doubt about her ancestry.

I love when they talk to the plants--the elephant always makes me think that they are encouraging tremendous growth!

M.McMillan said...

Twenty best friends is really hard congratuations.

craterdweller said...

Wow, 20 pet best friends. I'm trying that one now and its hard! Congrats!

ciyrose said...

Great job on the 20 pet best friends. That one is SUPER hard for me....I'm still working on it with Biyu.

Um....WOW....Virginia is....a Busto. It will be fun to see how she grows into the looks.