Friday, April 13, 2007

Cooprider 2 - Round 4

Growing Girls
Last time we were wondering if Michaell was pregnant with twins. Santos was really enjoying taking care of their little girl Dolphin while they waited to find out. He also went out and got two dogs Ann and Sam. Dolphin loved them both but Santos had made one mistake, they were both girls. So he went and got Cade, a boy. Finally Michaell gave birth to a second daughter named Orca. Cade got both of the female dogs pregnant and was then given to Michaell's sister Kricket to make room for puppies. Sam had 3, 2 of which were given away and we are waiting for Ann to give birth. Both Dolphin and Orca have grown to children and started school.

Rachel: Hi there Michaell, what are you up to?
Michaell: Working on some skills. I'm feeling very logical at the moment.
Rachel: I can see that.
Rachel: Oh boy puppy time!!!
Rachel: Awe just one this time. Welcome to the world Tammy. I see you have some pink fur. I can't wait 'til you grow up.
Rachel: What are you working on now?
Michaell: Mechanical. I think I can fix stuff now.z
Rachel: Looks like you guys got another critter.
Michaell: Yep, this is Petey.
Michaell: He's going to help me with my charisma.
Rachel: Sounds good.
Rachel: Welcome home Santos and congrats on the promotion!
Santos: Why thank you Rachel. Now where are my wonderful daughters?
Rachel: Ummm....
Rachel: Here they are, having a snowball fight.
Santos: All right girls not too hard and make sure you don't get too cold.
Orca: Petey what a cracker?
Rachel: Looks like you're a real animal lover Orca.
Orca: *giggles* yeah, I love the puppies and Petey.
Rachel: well that's wonderful dear.
Michaell: Homework time dear!!!
Rachel: These two are such great friends. I hope they stay that way after Dolphin's birthday.
Michaell: We decided to have a birthday party for Dolphin.
Rachel: Wow this is the first birthday party in Prosperity Point! Must be because of the new party supply store.
Dolphin: Hey I've got a nice butt.
Rachel: Ahhh, OK.
Rachel: So what are you looking for in life?
Dolphin: Fortune
Rachel: And how do you plan you obtain it?
Dolphin: Being a Business Tycoon seems like a good way.
Rachel: Hey you had a great party Dolphin! How'd you do it?
Dolphin: Played chess most the time.
Rachel: Interesting.
-the Next Day-
Rachel: Hey congrats on the A+ Orca!!!
Orca: Thanks lady!
Rachel: Woot, Top of Career! Wonderful Santos!
Santos: Thanks!
Dolphin: Tammy sure is a cute puppy.
Rachel: I hope she's a pretty dog.
Rachel: wow Tammy you sure are an interesting combo of your parents. I hope you have lots of puppies yourself.
Rachel: Oh and let's not forget about Spunky. You're a beautiful girl too. Definitely take more after your dad.
Rachel: What you're selling Tammy?
Santos: Yeah, yeah we don't have the room for 4 full grown dogs. Besides she can have puppies elsewhere.
Rachel: All right. I know Pania will give her a good home.
Rachel: Oh Dolphin I see you've met Ian Kaufman. So what do you....
Rachel: I think she likes him.
Rachel: looks like mixed reviews from Ian.
Rachel: Whose looking for a job?
Rachel: Santos?
Santos: The hospital was too crazy for me. I think a gaming career is more my speed now. I want to spend as much time with my girls before they head off to college.
Rachel: I see Cade is back. I think we've got more puppies on the way.
Rachel: Spunky's going too? Awe man!
Rachel: Michaell I haven't seem you in a couple days. Here you are.
Michaell: Sorry Rachel, I've been busy maxing all my skills!
Rachel: Wonderful. I would have thought that was impossible. I'm impressed.
Michaell: I decided to get a new job too in culinary.
Rachel: Sounds good Michaell.
Rachel: Puppies!!!
Rachel: Wow Sam had 3 again! Two boys, Georgie and Genie and a girl Gloria. Welcome to the world pups!
Rachel: Awe.
Rachel: Oh boy another birthday party! Happy Birthday Orca!!!
Rachel: Wow Orca, you're gorgeous!
Orca: Um thanks.
Rachel: What do you want in life?
Orca: A family, just like dad.
Rachel: Great Orca!
Rachel: Wow Santos, another top of career! Great job!
Santos: Thanks.
Rachel: Awe teen love.
Dolphin: Yeah and he's going to Sim State with me.
Rachel: Great Dolphin!
Rachel: Another roof raiser! Great!
Rachel: What are you doing Michaell?
Michaell: Fishing. It's spring and our pond has thawed.
Rachel: OK, but maybe someone should clean the dog houses.
Michaell: I know it's just hard to find a time when there isn't a dog in it.
Rachel: I see.
Rachel: Wow, it's that time already. Nice job Dolphin and a boyfriend in toe.
Rachel: Nice job Orca! Especially since your birthday was last night. Well girls I guess we'll see you at Sim State. Can't wait!
7 Points
2 for Top of Career, both by Santos.
3 for the Impossible Want by Michaell
2 for Money


Just Moi said...

Wow lots of puppies!

The girls are both very pretty and I love that new uniform for TOC in the Gamer field reminds me of that old movie Tron lol

Kerry said...

Wow, what a busy family! Kids growing up, puppies coming and going, jobs changing--I'm dizzy! I'm glad you were able to keep track of them all!

ASimWen said...

Hehehe it looks like you are becomeing the puppy raising queen! Heh Boy some good looking girls here!

Twoyys4me said...

Great update, lots of parties and puppies! How fun!

Bubbs said...

{reaches our of Rachel's monitor and feels her head} Are you still sick? Where are the babies??? Great update! The girls are going to be heartbreakers. Love the puppies!

Spinn said...

I still love your pictures! Great update! :)

Roo said...

I have to agree w/Mami, Santos looks like Tron! very cool
So let me get this straight... instead of having babies upon babies... you're now having puppies galore?
Nice job and the girls are gorgeous!

ciyrose said...

Both girls are absolutely beautiful. Can't wait to see how they fair when they grow up.