Thursday, November 26, 2009

Te Waiata 1 - Round 7

One More Try
Last time Pania and Danton's elder daughter, Strawberry, returned from college with her boyfriend Will. They're both family sims so they had a wedding right away so they could start their family. Which they did when Strawberry delivered twin boys, Pear and Fig.

Jar Challenge: Make a Vampire. They must stay a Vampire at least one week

Rachel: I just came over to say hi for this week but I guess congratulations are in order as well.
Strawberry: Well thanks. We're giving it one more shot to have a girl.
Rachel: An heiress would be nice.
Rachel: Awe Fig is dancing just like his papa Will.
Me: Tammy seems confused by the whole thing.
Rachel: Speaking of Tammy. Happy Birthday girl!
Rachel: Great job Danton!
Danton: Thanks! I was just making toys to sell in the sore. It worked out well I suppose.
Rachel: Sorry Will.
Rachel: Making friends Strawberry?
Strawberry: Yeah. We were told we needed to befriend a vampire. I'm not sure why right now.
Rachel: Well just keep calling him but make sure it's at night.
Rachel: Nursery Rhythm time! He likes music and dance so this should be easy.
Rachel: Looks like Pear picked up talking quickly.
Rachel: Sorry Strawberry.
Rachel: Hey there Flick.
Flick: Hi Rachel.
Rachel: I thought you wanted to keep a low profile here.
Flick: Those were the instructions I left.
Rachel: Seems to be a glitch then.
Rachel: Super sorry Will.
Rachel: Way to go Pania! Glad someone in this house is doing well.
Will: Hey! I can hear you!
Rachel: Opps, sorry man.
Rachel: Happy birthday Fig!
Rachel: Oh you are a handsome little devil aren't you? I'll make sure to send some of my grand daughters or sons your way. You know, whichever you'd prefer.
Fig: Um, what?
Rachel: You're cute. That is all.
Fig: Oh. OK. Thanks.
Rachel: Happy Birthday Pear!
Rachel: Handsome little man too. Same offer applies.
Pear: What offer?
Rachel: Nothing, never mind.
Rachel: Great job Danton!
Rachel: Baby time!
Rachel: Hey! Get out of the way you!
Rachel: And?
Strawberry: It's a boy. Meet Pineapple.
Rachel: A shy little guy but a cutie, I'm sure. So, are you going to try for a girl again?
Strawberry: Nah. We're happy with our boys. Besides things are crazy enough around here with 3 and the store.
Rachel: Homework time. Yes, Pear, you have a little brother.
Strawberry: Ahh!
Rachel: Madalyn leave Strawberry alone!
Rachel: Homework time for Fig. I guess it's time for me to go.
Points: 5
4 for Money
1 for Pineapple
Looks like the vampire hasn't even made to the house yet. Who knew this one would take so long?


Jenni said...

Vampires took forever for me! Then I realized you can influence it. -.- I felt dumb.

M.McMillan said...

I haven't succeeded at Vampires yet. See there is still stuffr i can learn

ASimWen said...

Who are you going to turn into a vampire?

Kerry said...

Boy, Rachael is really shopping her grandkids around! Looking for greats, maybe?

ciyrose said...

Well the vampire is going to take awhile it looks like. I've never gotten a vampire yet. The kids are all cute, as usual.