Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Vega House 3 - Round 5

Ouch! That's Gonna Leave a Mark
Last time Rosario and England welcomed two dogs to their family, George and Kelly who got along so well they had puppies. Their daughter, Canada, grew into a beautiful teen and started dating Fog Forsythe. At the end of the week she went off to college and has since returned. Her little brother Germany, grew from a fun loving toddler into a very handsome boy.

Rachel: Hi Canada! Hi Fog! Ah, oh my, excuse me, I'll ah, be in the other room.
Rachel: Congratulations on the promotion England!
England: Why thank you. We had better hurry.
Rachel: Why? Where?
England: Canada is getting married.
Rachel: What a lovely setting. Oh and Canada looks beautiful.
Rachel: Another Bride and Groom pillow fight! Man I love these weddings!
Fog: You look lovely my dear.
Canada: Thank you Fog, you look very handsome yourself.
Rachel: What a lovely wedding.
-The Next Day-
Rachel: Puppies!!!
Rachel: Welcome Kella and Kellio!
Canada: Oh boy.
Rachel: Or it could be a girl. Congratulations!
Rachel: Not surprising with a little one on the way that the puppies need to be moving on.
Rachel: Way to go England!
England: Thank you Rachel.
Rachel: You're going to be a grandfather.
England: Oh Boy!!!
Germany: Dad, I got an A+
England: Woh, my boy!
Rachel: Speaking of Woh or WooHoo. I guess we will have more little paws tip toeing around.
Rachel: Oh no, I'm sorry Fog. But hey. . .
Rachel: . . . You're about to be a father. Like now!!!
Canada: It's a boy! We'll call him Mexico!!!
Canada: Isn't he cute Aunt Aracely?
Aracely: Most definitely. I hope my grandchildren are as cute.
Vodka: Yes, Mom, I'll get you a grandchild or two. Now lay off.
Rachel: Happy Birthday Germany!!!
Rachel: Handsome. So what are you looking for in life?
Germany: I want to be popular just like my parents.
Rachel: That's great, and how do you want to achieve that?
Germany: I want to be the Law! Cause it's super sweet!
Rachel: Sounds good.
Rachel: Puppies!!!
Rachel: Welcome Gerry and Gloria.
Rachel: Ouch, sorry Canada.
Rachel: Who is this Germany?
Germany: This is Palm Jonas. She's a nice enough girl.
Rachel: Get down! Looks like like they're having fun.
Rachel: Great going, both of you!!!
Rachel: Happy birthday Mexico!
Rachel: He takes after his mom, that's for sure.
England: Come to Grandpa England.
Rachel: How do you like being a grandpa England?
England: I love it!
Germany: How about a kiss?
Palm: Ah, no thanks.
Rachel: Ouch.
Rosario: Go pee pee in the potty Mexico.
Rachel: How do you like being a grandma Rosario?
Rosario: I like it. It took a little getting used to, but I like it.
Fog: OK, say Dada, Dada.
Mexico: Da.
Fog: Almost.
Rachel: Bye puppies.
England: Ahh!!!
Rachel: Ouch! Dude, don't play electric guitar in the rain!
Rachel: Congrats man!
-Later Yet-
Rachel: Way to go England! I guess the playing guitar in the rain paid off!
England: It sure did. Stung a little though.
Rachel: I'm sure.
Rachel: Looks like Germany is trying again.
Rachel: Yay!!!
Canada: I did it! I know everything now!!!
Canada: Ouch!
Rachel: You OK?
Canada: Nothing bruised but my ego.
Rosario: That's it, stay low Germany.
Rachel: Working on another scholarship?
Rosario: Yep. My boy is smart just like his sister. He'll do well in college.
Rachel: I'm sure he will.
Rachel: Your mom was right. You got lots of scholarships, you'll do very well.
Rachel: I guess this means it's time to go. See you all next week!
Points: 13
3 for Canada's Impossible Want of Maxing all Skills
1 For Mexico
2 for both England's Tops of Career
7 for Money


Bubbs said...

Another wedding, baby, puppies, and birthdays. You sure are enjoying all these families. It's fun to see who they end up dating and then married to. :)

Kerry said...

I hope if there's another baby, it will get Fog's eyes--they are gorgeous.

You had a bad run on the chance cards, though--I hate when that happens.

What is happening to all those puppies? Your animal shelter must be overflowing. Do you have a plan for them all?

Infinity-Nevermore said...

Canada's not pregnant again? I guess you could afford to take a break. Hey, you should get some cats. Just to break the monotony.

Lynnaea said...

So many puppies! I ask the same questin as kerry, where do they all go??

I've seen some of them used in other rounds I guess...

I love the hairstyle that Canada has. It's gorgeous!

ASimWen said...

Whoo! That Germany is a cutie. :) I had puppies show up in my adoption pool the other day in the Falls that had come from a house where they gave them up. I had forgotten about them. It was fun seeing them, and my simmie adopted one of them!

Galena said...

Had to laugh, you put "oh and canada..." and I start mentally singing "Oh canada." You keep giving hints that it's a boy, do you know something we don't?

ciyrose said...

Another fun posting. Lots and lots of puppies and babies around again already.