Naming skemes by house, end of round 2
Some skemes haven't not been revealed yet, for those houses the current childern's names will be listed.
Some skemes haven't not been revealed yet, for those houses the current childern's names will be listed.
Ziese-Lecy House
People I know in real life (that one's too hard to make you guess)
Lancaster House
Famous Artists
Holiday House
Planets and astrogolical stuff (will follow Andre when he moves out)
Ribeiro 1 House
Characters from the TV show LOST
Dante 1 House
Flowers and Trees
Vegas 1 House
Planets and astrogolical stuff (as Andre is moving)
Ribeiro 2 House
US States
Ribeiro 3 House
Not revealed - Jewel
Rosada 1 House
Shades of Blue
Rosada 2 House
Cooprider 1 House
Rosada 3 House
Don't think it's been revealed - Tanzanite & Zircon
Cooprider 2 House
Aquatic Animals
Dante 2 House
Months of the Year
Te Waiata 1 House
Caligula 1 House
Not revealed - Ellen
Knight 1 House
Greek & Roman Gods and Goddesses
Ziese-Lecy 2 House
Sweets, Desserts and whatnot
Fosythe House 1 Round 2
Weather conditions and events
Rosada House 4
Not revealed yet - Logan & Rogue
Vega House 2
Not Revealed - Lucida
Vega House 3
Vega House 4
Dante House 3
Not Revealed - George - Hit Characters from some movies I like.
Hey Rachel! Love the names ideas. I find it easier to come up with names when I have a theme. I know 2 of your "unindentified" themes! I am pumped (I love to randomly feel smart!).
PS. I know the Logan and Rogue one and the Lucida one.
Rosada House 4... Wait! I think I know the name scheme for this one. I would say it, but I'm not sure if I'd be giving something away. But I guess it's not that hard for people to figure out, but queenofsimtopia guessed it too. But you know... I still can't be 100% positive with only 2 names.
Logan and Rogue is the one I'm pretty sure of. The names are just too unique together.
Rouge is my fav! So I am all over that one. But I am puzzled by Ellen...and Lucida though that last one is firmiliar...oh no now I am going to be thinking about this all night! Arrgh! Great idea though.
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